In 2022, Centurion Health launched Centurion Health Find Help, a web-based search engine, which provides Centurion Health staff and patients a platform to find and connect to social services in their desired area. Our healthcare teams across the country have begun to use this resource in their aftercare work with patients as they reenter their communities.

Find and Connect to Social Services
Centurion Health Find Help is accessible from anywhere at any time, and customized to the specific and complex needs of Centurion Health’s patients. Centurion patients can find free or reduced-cost services like medical care, mental health care, substance use treatment, housing, food, job training, and more. Available to all Centurion patients across all Centurion programs as part of reentry, this resource represents another long-term investment of TeamCenturion in the success of our patients upon release.
Available to all Centurion Patients
Centurion Health Find Help contains more than 550,000 locations and 300,000 listings across the United States with 95% of all programs verified at least every six months.
Accessible from anywhere at any time via computer, laptop, or mobile device
Network covers every zip code in the US
Specific to free or reduced-cost services like medical care, mental health care, substance use treatment, housing, food, job training, and more
Powered by findhelp’s perpetual engine of information & dedicated data management team
Tailored to the unique needs of our justice-involved audience
Translatable into more than 100 foreign languages
Searchable anonymously or with an account to save favorites, notes and send referrals
Filterable by “Criminal Justice History” and “In Jail”
Since Centurion Health’s Find Help launched on January 1, 2022, we have had:
- 7,113 distinct users
- 11,983 sessions
- Over 36,974 search activity sessions that indicate a user is trying to find a program. This includes postal searches as well as category, text, and other activity that return a list of programs
- Over 26,803 interactions to learn more about a program, such as viewing program hours, visiting the program’s website, or starting a screener
- Most searched categories of Health (26%), Housing (24%), and Food (15%)
- Most search terms of “food pantry” (1,427 searches), “help find work” (1,336 searches), and “help find housing” (1,118 searches).